Friday, June 22, 2007


alright guys so after about an hour of touch up, i present to you the draft touchup version of ralph's logo.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

T front

ok heres an idea for the T-shirt front.


ok a few decisions..

i currently have a few questions i need answers

1)do u think we can sell 50 pc per shirt

2)3 or 4 designs

-for now the confirmed ones are:"I Belong to Jesus", "Don't Give Up,You Are Loved" , "Child of God"

-pending one is perhaps "This Font Rocks", and.. hmm i forgot wad i wanted to write!! ok nvm.. guess i have to think of other captions.. other ppl pls give some input too.. im

oh ya.. for I belong to Jesus i have 3 drafts.. which one do u guys think is the nicest

the third one wun be sleeveless of cos.. just the designs..

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Front design

Thanks gerald. So I thot the wordings shud be top n bottom instead of the side. er, but I still prefer purple or yellow. haha... i think yellow better. cuz its brighter and more cheery. Anywas, I was thinking we put the logo at the back and just make the front simple. Sth like these (take note if the wordings in the middle, then it'll bigger fonts):

new ideas.

Monday, June 18, 2007

try this one.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


here are the logos for pharos. please votos soonos becos i needos to do promo matos. thankos youos.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Project Aurora shud be okay, Northern Light---> Northern Part Of Thailand where we will be the light to those we server up there?

As for our name: Bratz to ----> Bands of Lights?

Bands might be read as Balestier Adventist Youths.

So How bout it guys?

Monday, June 11, 2007

hello all :)

gerald and i have decided that we need a PROJECT NAME plus a GROUP NAME.

so it'll be like Project _. and the group can be called The _.

here are a few nice words for you think about.. TAG ALL THE IDEAS YOU HAVE!! :)

Fuego (fire in spanish)

if you dont understand the meanings. search
for more ideas -


sheena & gerald.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

i like my daddy well done with bbq sauce pls.

ok guys. i've gotten up a web portal where we can upload all out necessary files etc for easy access.

its at


its basically a library listed with the date so for the latest versions it'll be right at the top (just look at the date).

webmaster pls link on right ty.

i think that this blog can become a very powerful tool of relay of info so lets use it more aight. updates can be posted here etc.

thanks peeps.

okay.. the 4th caption is abit corny... i need comments on the shirts from u guys..
im printing all white shirts because we need to be frugal folks and coloured tees cost more.
i have not gotten a quotation yet as i emailed the supplier not long ago but can anyone email/taghere about any interesting caption u have thought of be it christian or non christian..
or any design changes (eg:change of colour of texts to other colours, change of font, change of position/size of text)
please help me ppl for i need yr opinions on this.. thanks.